Has anyone actually changed the rear shocks on their SPORT TRAC? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone actually changed the rear shocks on their SPORT TRAC?


Active Member
November 8, 2007
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2001 ST
So my father and I just finished changing out the front shocks and when we got to the back we realized it's practicly impossible. There's no room to take off the top screws, the bed is in the way? has anyone personally changed the shocks on their Sport Trac? If you could provide some input that'd be great. Hoping to finish shock job this weekend. thanks.

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I have, I removed the spare and got a wrench on the top, rust penetrant before you start will help.

Yes, remove the tire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well there's gotta be a way :D

But if it really comes down to it, you can unbolt the bed (its a tiny bed after all), and you have all the room you could ask for :D -- but thats just going overboard.

Alright so I just finished installing a set of new Rancho's on my truck. the fronts were fairly easy and the back was pretty complex, I spent a good amount of time fighting with the tools to get into the right position to turn the bolt. That was my first upgrade on my sport trac :D feels good.

Congrats! Did you bust a knuckle or two?

I changed mine last year. removing the tire is a must. but you need to find some shorter wrenches...my socket set come with them, but I have since lost that set, and am dreading having to change those things out again. I think next time, I'm just gonna pull the box off...prolly be a lot easier.

It can't really be that much different from an Explorer/Mountaineer, I had a hard time getting my factory bolts out, the body is indeed close to the cross member where the shocks bolt up. A small wrench properly positioned with a healthy dose of patience is all you need.

I agree, a HEALTHY dose of patience...and it is pretty easy...just annoying

I just changed my shocks last week.

As stated, remove the spare tire AND - I also temporarily removed the (I think this is what it is...) charcoal vapor recovery box that is inside the frame towards the driver's side shock. Just remove the 3 or 4 bolts and let the module hang from its hoses while you change that shock. It pnly tool an additional minute to remove this module.

After that, it's just some patience and some small wrenches.


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What size of wrench does it take to remove the upper bolts on the shocks in the rear and also short wrench about how long does it need to be?
