Has anyone actually changed the rear shocks on their SPORT TRAC? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Has anyone actually changed the rear shocks on their SPORT TRAC?

What size of wrench does it take to remove the upper bolts on the shocks in the rear and also short wrench about how long does it need to be?

I'm pretty sure the upper shock nuts are 10mm. If not, then definitely 13mm.

The wrench itself that I used was a pretty small one - maybe 5-6" long. A little tedious but not difficult.


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Thats what Iam looking for thanks:cool:

Oh what did you use to hold the shock while you loosened/tightened the nut?

Oh what did you use to hold the shock while you loosened/tightened the nut?

I actually put the nut on the bottom, that way I could hold the bolt head with the small wrench, then use a ratchet to tighten the nut. Worked much better than the way it was installed.


HUH not following here!
The nut for the top of the shock you place on the top of the shock then dont you have to hold the shock from turning while tighting this nut?

HUH not following here!
The nut for the top of the shock you place on the top of the shock then dont you have to hold the shock from turning while tighting this nut?


No - On the shock top you have 2 bolts and 2 nuts. Right?

Put the BOLTS through the mount FROM THE TOP with the threads facing the ground. The nut will be inserted on the bolt basically facing up. Make sense?


I just changes mine last night. Took 'bout three hours and a sixer, but got the new Rancho RSX's on with a few knuckle bites...other than that not much of a problem. The biggest problem I had was getting the boots on the rear shox. What a pain in the A**. Check out my garage pics.

I just changes mine last night. Took 'bout three hours and a sixer, but got the new Rancho RSX's on with a few knuckle bites...other than that not much of a problem. The biggest problem I had was getting the boots on the rear shox. What a pain in the A**. Check out my garage pics.

Rancho RSX thats what Iam adding plus doing the sway bar at the same time:thumbsup:

I just changes mine last night. Took 'bout three hours and a sixer, but got the new Rancho RSX's on with a few knuckle bites...other than that not much of a problem. The biggest problem I had was getting the boots on the rear shox. What a pain in the A**. Check out my garage pics.

Yeah, the rear boots were the most tedious part of the install. Nice Sport track man.

I had no trouble at all and at best I am a weekend warrior. Drop the spare and use WD-40, then wrench away.

I just did the rear shocks on my explorer yesterday. The toughest part was getting to the top bolts. Lucky I had a nice small ratchet to get in there. These were the steps I took to get it all done:

1. Removed spare tire.

2. Removed top bolts of shock on one side of truck. 10mm wrench.

3. Removed bottom bolt on shock. 18 mm for nut and 15 mm bolt.

4. Bolted bottom first than clipped plastic tie so that I could move into position.

5. Bolted top.

6. Same for other side.

Before I did all this, I sprayed nuts & bolts with penetrating oil a couple of times a day for two days to make my job easier.

No need to jack up the truck for the rears.


Thanks for all of the great posts, It is still going to be a bear of a job removing/raising the bed was something I thought of also cutting a hole in the bed with a jig saw to access the nuts then sealing it back up is my other option.

I am going to get some penetrating oil tonight to start soaking the nuts. The idea of putting the bolts in from the top was something I also thought of.

Ratchet wrenches are helpful, but it just takes some time. No sense in cutting a hole in the bed of your truck- they're not that bad...

Thanks for all of the great posts, It is still going to be a bear of a job removing/raising the bed was something I thought of also cutting a hole in the bed with a jig saw to access the nuts then sealing it back up is my other option.

OMG NO ! ! You'd be better off unbolting 6 bolts and raising the bed a bit !

I am going to get some penetrating oil tonight to start soaking the nuts. The idea of putting the bolts in from the top was something I also thought of.

The original shocks have the two top studs made on the shock. My replacement Monroe Max-Air's had regular bolt/nut's. It actually may have been easier to install one that have the studs.

worst job ever,ive been trying to do this all weekend,tried a chisle,tried a grinder, im not unbolting the box since i have no help im resigning myself to paying someone

I remember fighting the one driver-side rear top bolt for about 2 hours on my first Ex.

The others combined took about 30 minutes total. Stupid bolts. Stupider rust!

I've done mine twice so far and it makes it easier with a bodylift but still a PITA. Fisrt time I actully heated a wrench up and bent it to the arch that I needed to get it in there easier.

I've done the front ones on mine, but when i went to do the back shocks, i ran into the same issue about the bed being in the way. i spent about forty-five minutes trying to get the top bolts off the driver side one before i just gave up and went and did the front ones. If i have time this weekend, i may try again.

I have actually done the rear. It wasn't fun, and I dont look forward to doing out again.
Get your self Set of short box wrenches, and be patient. I didn't have top remove the box.out was a while ago, but i think all in all it only took about 2 or 3 hours.

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I spent the afternoon replacing all four shocks and, of course, ran into the infamous "top bolts" issue on the rears. Having read what I could I knew I needed to drop the spare, which I did. And then, of course, wrestled with those top bolts just a whole lot longer than I would have liked and at the same time made a mental note to never do it again. To that end I cobbled up a coupla "C" plates using 1/16" plate, as you can see below. Problem solved. Took just a coupla minutes per side to put things back together. Also, the 'next time' I wont even need to drop the spare. A 10mm socket, a coupla long extentions and I can spin 'em with no drama at all.

