It happened again, another Explorer followed me home. | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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It happened again, another Explorer followed me home.

OK, since everybody else shared their stories here, it's my turn now.

Before I had a car, I offered my ma full blue book value for her Durango for years, and she always said no, no, no. I grew up with that truck and loved it.

Found my '99 Sport by accident when looking at a Durango that turned out to have a blown head gasket. Place was closing its doors that weekend, and the Sport was there, so I offered them $2k for it and they accepted. I had to be at work before the sale was finalized, so I signed all the papers and they dropped it off in the parking lot later. Drove it home, been loving life ever since. I worked to earn every cent that truck cost, and I enjoy every second behind the wheel.

Fast-forward about four years, ma lets my sister use her Durango with few strings attached, tells her it's only for getting to work and back, but doesn't police it. Sister calls truck junk, but uses it any way, because won't pay for own car. Sister gets involved with some dude, ma says she'll give truck to sister as wedding gift. I remind ma that I would have paid her for it - thanks ma, don't want my money but will give truck to someone else for free. Plot twist - sister wrecks truck. Ma wants to scrap, so I ask if now that it's of no value to her or any one else, if I can please finally buy it. She let me have it for free, I fixed it, and it is now my tow rig.

I worked to get every car I've ever owned, and I have never wrecked any of them. If I ever spawn kids, they will not get free cars from me! Grandkids, on the other hand... I'll write a will.

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Shhhh....I might have "borrowed" these from another truck in the yard. I mean we would not want them to go to waste. 🤷


It’s too nice 2014 4 door like new w 22k miles on it. Hard and soft tops. We had the wireless ignition module go out recently… that was fun. Jeep put a wireless module between ignition switch and starter, it is used for the remote start feature. When it fails it is a dealer only item as it just be programmed. Dealer blamed it on lack of use lol I spent half a week testing the starter and relays and ignition before I decided it was the module. Towed is to the dealer, Dealer had it 2 hours and fixed it, cost $200 not bad… but a wireless ignition? Oh brother
The solution to that problem is a 392 Hemi.

Shhhh....I might have "borrowed" these from another truck in the yard. I mean we would not want them to go to waste. 🤷

View attachment 451953
Did you go over / paint that lower plastic side cladding ? Looks darker ...maybe just due to shade alone..

if this one wasn't an off-roader id do the OWL. loving how this is turning out! love the OC AT3 very capable tires in snow mud etc! a bit noisy but beggars cant be choosers!

Once upon a time, the tire shops cleaned off the white letters or sidewalls before the vehicle left the bay. It bugs me that they're too lazy or whatever to do it any more.

if this one wasn't an off-roader id do the OWL. loving how this is turning out! love the OC AT3 very capable tires in snow mud etc! a bit noisy but beggars cant be choosers!

Meh, who cares about a little noise. Can't sneak in the driveway at night 😄

I was going to do the Falken AT4W's but got these Toyo's a bit cheaper. I couldn't help myself doing the white letters out. It just made sense.

I just drive with my knees, although that is not easy with a Clutch.
My first explorer is a stick 2-door. And I often knee-drove with it, but usually because I was eating lunch on my way to the next service call.

Shhhh....I might have "borrowed" these from another truck in the yard. I mean we would not want them to go to waste. 🤷

View attachment 451953
Man! Those are the exact wheels I've been wanting to get for my '98 sport for almost as long as I've owned it! Nice choice. They look good on these rigs.

Meh, who cares about a little noise. Can't sneak in the driveway at night 😄
dual flowmasters time! or the borla makes enough noise to know when im coming in and going haha

So I have a sickness...😆

This will be my Daughter's first car

2001 Explorer Sport
94k original miles, One Owner.
4.0 SOHC, Manual 5-Speed

Runs perfectly, I just can't drive 2 cars at once. Hence the trailer.

View attachment 451716
Nice! I also like your trailer if you don't mind what kind of trailer is it and about what did it run you? I would love to have one of those. thanks

Nice! I also like your trailer if you don't mind what kind of trailer is it and about what did it run you? I would love to have one of those. thanks

I bought it used. Was built up in Idaho or Montana or something. I forget now. Anyway here are a few more details on it.


That’s a very nice trailer for sure! Looks like some nice goodies added on winch tray, tongue box, spare with cover. Do the ramps stow underneath? I love trailers! Necessary if explorers are gonna follow you home

That’s a very nice trailer for sure! Looks like some nice goodies added on winch tray, tongue box, spare with cover. Do the ramps stow underneath? I love trailers! Necessary if explorers are gonna follow you home

So, funny story.... They are supposed to store under the dovetail from the rear. However in the desert it drags everywhere. Coming back from rescuing my co workers busted new Bronco, we lost a ramp. Droped out the bottom from where it's supposed to stay. I had to replace the ramps with a bit smaller set, and the don't fit there anymore. So for now I just strap them to the deck or throw them in the bed of the truck. 🙄

I understand that! Despite best efforts to keep them locked in I lost a ramp two summers ago also. I was wondering why the lady in the vw whi was tailgating me for about 30 miles suddenly dropped way back. I went to go buy a ranger and only had one ramp! Lucky the dude had a 2x12 and it worked to load the ranger. I retraced my steps but it was gone. Now I need to build another ramp, about $150 worth of 3” angle. When I do replace it I plan to add stake pocket stubs to my ramps so I can mount them on the sides when not in use… no longer putting them underneath… would have sucked to total a vw behind me due to my negligence!! The ramps just keep spitting out the pins that held them in place… I added springs to add tension, still didn’t work.

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I understand that! Despite best efforts to keep them locked in I lost a ramp two summers ago also. I was wondering why the lady in the vw whi was tailgating me for about 30 miles suddenly dropped way back. I went to go buy a ranger and only had one ramp! Lucky the dude had a 2x12 and it worked to load the ranger. I retraced my steps but it was gone. Now I need to build another ramp, about $150 worth of 3” angle. When I do replace it I plan to add stake pocket stubs to my ramps so I can mount them on the sides when not in use… no longer putting them underneath… would have sucked to total a vw behind me due to my negligence!! The ramps just keep spitting out the pins that held them in place… I added springs to add tension, still didn’t work.

I have more to my lost ramp story....I just don't want to put it writing on a public forum. 😬 🚨
