Rebuilding my 4.0 SOHC | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Rebuilding my 4.0 SOHC


Elite Explorer
March 9, 2018
Reaction score
In the sticks!
City, State
Shingle Springs, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Sport, 5spd 4.OHV
Pack Ratt
So my blown out engine ended up getting rained on. Got my hands on an '04 block and currently building it up with my '99 parts. I've come to this part and I've forgotten where it connects. I know the two clips attach to the underside of the intake plenum, but where does this other end go and how does it route? Anyone got any pictures of their engine with this connected?


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So my blown out engine ended up getting rained on. Got my hands on an '04 block and currently building it up with my '99 parts. I've come to this part and I've forgotten where it connects. I know the two clips attach to the underside of the intake plenum, but where does this other end go and how does it route? Anyone got any pictures of their engine with this connected?

View attachment 451726
The top parts go to the upper intake manifold and the lower connects to a hose for the evap system

The top parts go to the upper intake manifold and the lower connects to a hose for the evap system
Groovy. Does it come down the front and through that little clip under where the AC and steering pump will go?

Groovy. Does it come down the front and through that little clip under where the AC and steering pump will go?
If I remember correctly yes

Thanks! I'm seeing the finish line and I'm excited to get my limited back on the road.
No problem, share some pics of that beautiful X when its ready I don't see many limited explorers left sadly.

No problem, share some pics of that beautiful X when its ready I don't see many limited explorers left sadly.
She really is a beautiful rig. Looks white at night, but in direct sunlight she's pearlescent with just the faintest hint of sepia. 4x4 with 4.10 LSD's, so she flattens you into the seat when you womp it. She's my rocketship.

She really is a beautiful rig. Looks white at night, but in direct sunlight she's pearlescent with just the faintest hint of sepia. 4x4 with 4.10 LSD's, so she flattens you into the seat when you womp it. She's my rocketship.
Nice man glad to hear

Did you use an oem timing kit?

Did you use an oem timing kit?
When I bought the block it had already had the timing cassettes replaced and timed. That was part of the motivation for buying this one (and the old block looking like wreckage from the Titanic). It's also why this block was nearly $2k to purchase.

Little peek at the paint on this one. She needs a bath though.


And once she's done, these two OHV's are next. They both start and run, just not well.


Nice man you've got some nice explorers

Nice man you've got some nice explorers
I love them. That's my wife's 97 XLT, my 98 Sport, working on the 99 Limited. Then there's this poor old girl that was the unfortunate victim of a broadside that we think bent the frame as the steering column inside is canted sideways. 98 EB. It was donated to us as a parts truck, and has a 5.0 in it that had been rebuilt just months before it was hit. Toying with the idea of throwing the 5.0 into the Sport.


I love them. That's my wife's 97 XLT, my 98 Sport, working on the 99 Limited. Then there's this poor old girl that was the unfortunate victim of a broadside that we think bent the frame as the steering column inside is canted sideways. 98 EB. It was donated to us as a parts truck, and has a 5.0 in it that had been rebuilt just months before it was hit. Toying with the idea of throwing the 5.0 into the Sport.

View attachment 451790
5.0 in a sport would be awesome

5.0 in a sport would be awesome
I've read a few threads here and know it can be done, but it looks to be a fair bit of work. I'll probably only do it if I can mate a manual transmission to the 5.0.

With any luck the engine will go in this weekend. Forecast says rain tonight into tomorrow, so I'm on hold for a bit. Got the engine bay prepped and everything laid out where it needs to be.




Also, does anyone know what this connector is for? It's just plugged into a plastic clip with no contacts.


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I just noticed this flex plate has a half-dozen holes on one side. My other flex plates don't have this. This is the plate that came with the new block, so I'm wondering if the holes are balanced for the plate only or if it's particular to this engine. Does it need to go on a certain way?

