Elessar65's Money Pit | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Elessar65's Money Pit

Ok, well I figure its time to make a registry for my truck (translation: I'm really bored). Its kind of a work in progress, and will be forever most likely, just like the Explorer. :)
Anyways, on to the truck....
Its a 1998 Explorer Sport 4.0 SOHC, Emerald Metallic Green with Grey trim and interior. I have added a K&N FIPK, Hooker Aerochamber dual 2.5"in single 2.5" out and custom cat-back exhaust. An Xcal and tunes from BamaChips to take advantage of the free flowing intake and exhaust. 2" lift leaf packs from Carrier Spring and a TT up front. 265/75/16 (31.9" according to specs) Hankook RT03 MTs, and a Curt front hitch for a 99 (had to cut a notch in the front bumper). For communications I have a Uniden 538W in the dash with a 4' Wilson Flex sending and receiving the radio traffic. For tunes I have a Sony head unit, factory premium sound door and rear speakers, and a 10" MTX thunderform for a little bass. Also I put some clear tail lights on it after someone hit me and broke one of the originals. I just put a Richmond Powertrax No-Slip locking differential in it. You can read about that little mis-adventure elsewhere on here, but I got it all fixed up.
Well, thats about it for now I guess, Its got 174k an change on it, and still runs like a champ. The only thing I have ever had to replace were ball joints and a starter and battery.




Had to get a little dirty

Limited Grip No More!

Gotta get that old gasket crap off

Crappy camera phone pics from Tuttle today:



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exactly why I don't have a wheeling rig. It would get destroyed every trip out.

Mom always told me I played too rough, and was too hard on my toys, lol

Well, its been a while so I guess I'll update this. Currently my truck is sitting in Springfield Mo, with transmission problems since the SMORR meet in July. Who knows what the issue is, solenoid, bands, VB, etc, but I am heading over there this weekend to return my loaner truck (Thanks Steve) and try and figure it out. It doesn't shift into 3rd gear, it tries to, but instead of third its neutral. In any case, one way or another I am getting this truck the 320 miles home. Either driving at 40mph in 2nd gear the whole way, or renting a truck and trailer and hauling it back. Then I will most likely be riding a bicycle the 10 miles to work and back every day til its fixed, if it ever is.

the 4r you swapped out for the manual? will that play nice with my computer? If it will, or even if it mostly works I'll take it

This thing ever make it back to manhattan.

Yeah, I towed it home on a dolly yesterday. Now I have to figur out whatg the issue is and get it fixed.

what transmission do you have i may be able to find a cheap but good replacement

Its a 5r55e, but I think I may to be able to fix it fairly cheap if its a band or stuck valve or something

Sigh..... Well, I don't know what to do with this thing any more guys. It still gets me to and from work with no problem, but its starting to make clicking/clacking/not good trans noises, and a whining/rubbing kind of noise around corners while coasting (pretty sure thats the TC) whenever i lift off the throttle, or turn, or do anything other than drive in a straight line at a constant speed. Although you can really only notice it next to a building or something for the sound to bounce back off of.

I can get a JY tranny for $500 or so and install it and hope for the best (while attempting to rebuild my tranny, then put my rebuild in and have the JY as a spare), or I can try and find another X for cheap and scavenge parts from this, or try and sell my baby. Although I doubt I could get much of anything for it in the real world market even with a fixed trans. Due to the body damage it proudly bears as mementos from the level 3 and 4 trails it has conquered. Mostly rocker panel damage, and some tree applied pin striping.

I really don't want to part with my Baby, but the truth is that I really don't need another lifted, locked, 4x4. (Thats why I have the forever half finished SAS 351W Ranger). I need a solid DD that can on occasion do some hauling or towing. I think with a JY trans I could trade it in and get maybe $1000 for it, but I think its worth more than that.

I think its a good candidate for a SAS for someone perhaps, I don't know. I have been able to follow Bronco2guy, Gmanpaint, and Turdle almost everywhere they went without getting stuck or strapped at KS Rocks and SMORR, and shamed a CJ on 37s at Tuttle Creek ORV on the ledges.

I think my best bet is to go for the JY trans/home rebuild.

So.... Give me some input here.

Go Manual!

Why go through 2 transmission swaps? For 1/3rd the cost (maybe less) than what your proposing, you could have your rig back and more dependable than ever.

Don't you already have a 1354 Tcase in your possession?

Go Manual!

Why go through 2 transmission swaps? For 1/3rd the cost (maybe less) than what your proposing, you could have your rig back and more dependable than ever.

Don't you already have a 1354 Tcase in your possession?

I second this.

I don't think he has a 1354 since his tcase ended up being fine and the front axle was trashed.

But if you want to keep it you could go back to stock size tires and lower it back down for gas mileage plus no one can convince you to go wheel it.

Ok, I am confused now. Today at work while cleaning up the shop I found a bottle of Lucas transmission stop slip and thought what the heck... On the way back from lunch I put it in D to see if the trans was working somehow. And it was. So what does this mean? I'm not naive enough to think that everything is fine, but if this made it work again then what was the issue with it and how do I fix it? I am hopefully thinking that its not catastrophic anymore...

Well, I haven't updated this in quite a while, so I might as well add something. Haven't really done anything to the truck lately. I am thinking sometime soon I am gonna give her a tune up. Plugs, wires, coil, etc. Still running like a champ though. 186k+ and counting

still running on the lucas fix?!


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Nothing much new going on with this rig. Still running and driving as well as any truck with 188k on the clock. Changed the T/C fluid today, the old was black and yucky looking. Greased everything while I was under there, and installed a PA speaker for the CB. Why? because I found one for $5, and I was bored. Its about as ready as it ever will be for Frostbite in a couple weeks, about the only thing left to do to prepare is to pray for its poor soul to survive another beating, lol.
