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I made a 4'x7'x6"deep Roof rack for 4dr Explorer-WHO'D BUY ONE OF THESE?

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Well-Known Member
August 21, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
Louisville, Kentucky - Let me no f u r nearby
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 Explorer 2wd Edd.B
Roof Rack: 4 Foot Wide 7 Foot Long 6 Inches Deep

I measured the width and lengh of the roof and wanted a roof rack that I could have a spare tire, canoe, oars, tent, shovel, rake, couple life vests, and FEW other camping things without exceeding roof integrity.

I can't stand the dainty little 3"-4" deep "baskets" so I upped it to 6 inches.

I have ten roof contact points, and want to run my light wiring through the tubing and recess my lights within the framing so they dont get wacked by tree limbs....

Let me know- Would you buy one and what would you spend?
(I am not selling or posting an ad, just posing the idea of such)

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I would....pending price and pics!

pics please

Pics and price, or this thread is worthless. Yes, I am interested. :D

Yeah, lets see some pics.


do u got pics

^^^ question of the day.

Think people want some pics maybe?

what? did someone say pics? :D

Looks interesting in the pics...

Wait- there are no pics. :D

lololol :D

Responding to 13 requests for pics in the one day I had it posted

I spent the day setting 6"dia. solid wood post fencing and at 10:30pm I just finished that by working via headlights. So, I'll work to shoot some picks or ask someone to do so for me. Hope to have them soon for you guys.

about time. wait... nevermind, still no pics. :D

thanks, looking forward to them. :)


lol.. There it is

I am not the one who made whatever and posted something; he's working late again today. But, after I read to him the responses that he's getting apparently he was looking that maybe someone else would have been encouraging with an "allright" or maybe someone else had made or was thinking of the same idea and they could swap ideas to make it better. In just two days and these ####### responses he wanted me to be polite in explaining that there arent pictures cause he's working - I'd just tell all y'all to F- yourselves. what have you made??? oh, you just bolted on something that someone else already thought up and you have a truck that looks like all the others on here. Where do you buy what he made?? oh, you cant. What did you guys make that takes an idea further or better. He didnt reinvent the wheel but he sure made something better than your little jeep baskets and he didnt spend $500 on some half ass whatever. I just told him not to worry with pictures. What you all wrote is like the look on some dumb "remove/replace" mechanic's close minded confusion when he goes to some of these stores saying that he wants bigger tires on an Explorer or that the Wrangler guys laugh when they hear that he drives his Ex- off road.... I thought this is what you all were here doing- thinking outside the box and doing what everybody else isnt like dumb sheep to the Cherokee dealership.... f- y'all ! I'll tell him not to worry with this.

Wow. A thinking outside the box roof rack? And we're now going to miss out on it because you and him are too sensitive?! Bummer!!!! :(

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