New axle bolt recall 23S55, same as older recall? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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New axle bolt recall 23S55, same as older recall?


Well-Known Member
July 4, 2006
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Jacksonville, FL
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2020 Ford Explorer XLT
Had a recall done last year for a potential axle bolt fracture, and they also did the parking brake reprogram thing. Now there is a new recall 23S55 for a potential rear axle bolt fracture. Is this the same one as last year, or a different bolt? Thanks.

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This one is a bit different. They replace the bolt and this time the bushing also.

Okay thanks.

I got that letter this week as well. Mine says a follow up will come when dealers are ready to start performing the recall.

When I had the parking brake reprogrammed, I was told that was a temporary fix until the parts were available. Well, I got the letter that parts were now available and scheduled our 2020 and it was done today. Surprise, when I picked it up, the parking brake still turned on automatically when the car was put in park and turned off. I talked to my service advisor and asked why they didn't reprogram that back to the way it came from the factory, and was told, that Ford wanted the parking brake to stay like that. Makes no sense to me.

When I had the parking brake reprogrammed, I was told that was a temporary fix until the parts were available. Well, I got the letter that parts were now available and scheduled our 2020 and it was done today. Surprise, when I picked it up, the parking brake still turned on automatically when the car was put in park and turned off. I talked to my service advisor and asked why they didn't reprogram that back to the way it came from the factory, and was told, that Ford wanted the parking brake to stay like that. Makes no sense to me.
I could be wrong, but I believe even the new Explorers come that way according to some posts I've read. I don't know why since my Aviator doesn't have that auto parking brake.


Well the Aviators have the 2/4 bolt subframe. The newer Explorers seem to have the 1/3 subframe with newer bushings and auto parking brake. The jury is out whether the new bushing is a proper fix. Ford will be looking at failures in the next few years. I have my doubts. Look at the first two rear camera recalls... garbage! Big waste of money and time. The third recall works but some do not need the new hardware as the updated IMPB firmware seems to work on my 2020.
