Solid axle on a 98? lizardtrac | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Solid axle on a 98? lizardtrac

Twin D-60's / 98 sport - - Lizardtrac

lookin for some ideas. Im doing a swap with a dana 44 with f-250 ends, I might need a little insight on this, has anyone ever done one of these new ones? hmm that would be cool... being the first... any warnings, insight, or opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Change in plans, twin D-60 are goin in.... much stronger, and more reliable for what I want to do with the truck, I think the 44 will snap axles too much.... pics soon to come!!!!!

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OK, project D44 has officially been scratched, instead, I have decided to go with twin d60's, a hell of alot more stronger and more reliable. 6:11 gears are in mind, but these rears are comming with 4:10's in both so thats what im starting out with. Im picking up the rear 60 this week, and the front hopefully next week.


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HOLY SH*T!:eek:
that's an awesome picture. i think your explorer has more flex then any other X on the board.
your truck has come a long way from when you first joined. it looks great.

if you go to 6.11 gears, i dont think you will be able to drive it to any trails (a trip to paragon would use up a LOT of gas). you're going to need another truck and a trailer to tow it there.

Originally posted by leenjen
HOLY SH*T!:eek:
that's an awesome picture. i think your explorer has more flex then any other X on the board.
your truck has come a long way from when you first joined. it looks great.

if you go to 6.11 gears, i dont think you will be able to drive it to any trails (a trip to paragon would use up a LOT of gas). you're going to need another truck and a trailer to tow it there.


As per the gas... well I just bought a house about 5 min from Paragon... so that aint a problem now... lol

i didnt even realize you moved. what was wrong with jersey?:)

Originally posted by leenjen
i didnt even realize you moved. what was wrong with jersey?:)

eh... the toxic state just wasnt doin it for me.... I love it out here....

wow 60's thats crazy so when is this project gonna start??????????????????????????????????????????

already got the rear axle, waiting for the kid ta get me the front... and being that Im next to a huge 4x4 junk yard, it will work out great.....

leafs would be much easier and cheaper; but coils would be better for clearance, travel, etc, but more expensive and just a little more difficult to install. All depends on the money! If the money's there, go coils!

Lizard -

Looks like you are running the 4 door leaf pack. Did you remove any springs when you did the SOA? How much lift did you get out of the SOA?

