PCM replacement and PATS | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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PCM replacement and PATS


July 16, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Near Charlotte, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
04 XLT (RWD) 4.0L
2004 Explorer XLT, 4.0L SOHC, 150k miles
So, it is a very long, separate story, but I am looking to replace my PCM.
I am looking at Flag Ship 1 out of NY for a reman unit. Anyone use them before? Other recommendations?
They have one for about $200 without keys and about $300 that includes two new keys.
A good friend of mine has a scan tool (it just looks like a tablet) that he paid about $500 or $600 for. Should we be able to install the $200 reman PCM and use that scan tool to get it to talk to my existing keys? Does anyone know the basic steps to make that happen?
I have done A LOT to this Explorer over the last few years, but PCM/computer work is not something that I have really any experience with, so I appreciate tips and suggestions, as well as how-to.
Thank you!

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Ask the friend or look up the specs on the scan tool manufacturer's website. Unless it explicitly states that it can program Ford keys, then I'd assume it can't. Forscan app for windows, free extended license trial version, along with an ELM327 based obd2 dongle can program keys. You can find more info in Forscan's forum.

I have had a couple people recommend getting a used PCM from a junk yard, rather than a reman unit. Both said they have replaced many and have had far better results with used. My only concern is that I know that mine has been updated for the attached TSB; I would think it would be a roll of the dice, at best, if the used one will have been updated or not. The reman place (Flag Ship 1) claims that the latest updates will have been loaded and it will have a lifetime warranty. If the used one does not have the update, then I would have to pay a dealer to do the update, correct?


  • Explorer-TSB.pdf
    115.8 KB · Views: 19

Well, I purchased a used PCM from a junkyard near Columbia, SC. I paid $75 for the PCM. With tax and shipping I had a few cents under $90 in it. I went to a local locksmith whom I talked to on the phone. I swapped the PCM in his parking lot (takes about 15 minutes). He plugged in and did his thing and within another ten minutes it was running with both of my keys working. He wanted $120; negotiated to $100 cash.
A couple notes:
The ABS light is on now. My theory: The used PCM came out of a Mercury. The Mercury probably had Advance Track stability control, my Explorer does not. I wonder if the PCM is looking for more chassis inputs (yaw sensor, others, etc.) that my vehicle does not have.
It mainly fixed my problem. I say mainly. When it was hot outside and the engine compartment was hot, and put under load, it would buck or jerk. The hotter, the worse the symptom. Also, if the A/C was on, it was much worse.
I have put on a few hundred miles on since the swap. On one hot day, after a long drive, with the A/C on, while going up a hill, it jerked slightly once. I would call it a 98% improvement.

Is the old PCM working enough to pull the firmware off and transfer to the replacement? Even if not, seems like I vaguely recall some services that can put the right firmware on from the VIN, but I don't have any recommendations.

Is the old PCM working enough to pull the firmware off and transfer to the replacement? Even if not, seems like I vaguely recall some services that can put the right firmware on from the VIN, but I don't have any recommendations.
The old PCM is very functional yet. I have been contemplating sending it in to have it refurbished. I tried to get it open and have a look inside, but after an hour of trying, I give up. It is sealed with urethane (same stuff windshields are glued in with).
Anyhow, one thought I had was to try to get my old one fixed and put it back in. There is a place that a few people have mentioned outside of St. Louis in IL. I have e-mailed them and called and left a voice message, but no one will call me back.
