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Lifted shocks on the early Sport Trac


Elite Explorer
June 2, 2000
City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Sport Trac Adrenalin
These Jeep TJ shock absorber brackets are available on Amazon:


They bolt into the T-Bar top mount, and allow you to use Ranger/F150 shocks which actually have +2" and +4" sizes readily available.

These are the Ranger +4" shocks included in the Rough Country kit.




Shocks still had to be compressed just a tad with the rear at full droop.
Very happy!

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This can also be used for adding air shocks to your Sport Trac for dealing with loads/towing.

Okay the bracket bolts where? The top t bar mount? I like this mod getting lift shocks for baxk of sport trac pita

So the bracket from
Amazon bolts into the top mounting hole for the factory shocks I see

What do we do for front shocks?

Okay the bracket bolts where? The top t bar mount? I like this mod getting lift shocks for baxk of sport trac pita

So the bracket from
Amazon bolts into the top mounting hole for the factory shocks I see

What do we do for front shocks?
rancho makes an rs5kx for the front that i think is good for a 2". put them on this one and it seems to allow more droop (but now the UCA almost hits the frame at full droop!!!! (eek))

Front shocks already available for the 2001-2005: "Ranger 4x4"

That looks beefier!

I know you can space the front shocks a little by using a steel bushing at the top, but now I'm wondering if you couldn't use this to add a little more travel by getting rid of the bar in the shock at the bottom, this moves the mounting point up a little instead of right in the control arm.

